"the best is yet to come" - Jazz CD as a benefit for the Swiss counselling centre CASTAGNA
What could be better than win-win games!!! This CD is a good example of that: Wonderful music that puts you in a good mood. Made by enthusiastic musicians, including students from the Jazzhochschule Basel and a guest musician from Austria. The singer is also a dedicated trauma therapist.
And 100 per cent of the proceeds from the record will go to the Zurich Advice centre Castagnawhich works for traumatised children and women. All those involved, including the producer and arranger as well as the cover/booklet graphic designer, have waived part of their fee or even the entire fee so that this project could come about. They are all quite proud of the result, which - we say - hopefully makes a lot of friends.
You can order the CD "the best is yet to come" from Casagna in Zurich. mail@castagna-zh.ch or from Michaela Huber via the General contact form order
The full proceeds of €15 per CD will be donated to the Casagna Counselling Centre.
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"sun dancer" - Benefit CD for the Humanitarian Assistance Project (HAP) Switzerland
Sundancer - this name stands for the project of seven musicians who have all waived their fees to produce a benefit CD for an international aid organisation. A record that can compete with top CDs in terms of quality, that conveys a good mood, that contains a few pop and jazz hits and whose purchase enables concrete support for people in need. The aid organisation that will benefit from the proceeds is the Humanitarian Assistance Project (HAP).
What is the HAP?
In several European countries and the USA, (EMDR) trauma therapists have founded non-profit organisations under this name, which set up and support their own projects in each country. The main aim is to train and accompany colleagues in countries that cannot afford expensive trauma therapy training in the USA or Western Europe, and to achieve a high international standard of training; this then directly benefits those affected in the respective countries, because trauma therapists from their own country can then work with them professionally in their own language. The trainers who travel to these countries all work without pay, spending their holidays working on site. HAP only provides the travel and accommodation costs. There are training projects sponsored by HAP in Eastern European countries, China, Thailand and Indonesia, among others.
HAP Switzerland has sponsored part of the production costs for this CD and will receive a large part of the proceeds. If you want to order (more) CDs directly from HAP Switzerland - unit price 20 Euros plus 6 Euros shipping costs - you can do so here: HAP Switzerland office: Hanna Egli-Bernd, Zelglistr. 49, CH-8320 Fehraltorf Bank details: Züricher Kantonalbank, CH-8320 Fehraltorf, HAP-Switzerland, account 3500-4.002961.3, IBAN CH31 0070 0350 0400 2961 3, BIC (SWIFT address) ZKBKCHZZ80A.
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