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Available trauma therapists & help centres

Our therapist search provides you with a comprehensive overview of trauma therapists, counselling centres and trauma help centres that can help you with therapy for anxiety disorders, depression, trauma or similar. Please note that the availability of free treatment appointments must be clarified directly with the individual psoychotherapy practices.

Frequently asked questions

How do I find a therapist on this website?

We offer an overview of listed therapists. Browse the list and click on the links to find out more about the individual therapists and trauma support centres.

How can I find a therapist who specialises in my particular issue?

Our overview contains the specialities of each therapist. Look through the list to find a therapist who specialises in your particular concern. Click on the name to go directly to the respective website for more information.

How do I know if a therapist has free appointments?

The availability of free appointments must be checked directly with the individual therapy practices. We provide links to the contact details of each listed practice so you can easily get in touch.

Can I book appointments through this website?

No, our website only provides an overview of all listed therapists. To book appointments, please contact the therapists or practices directly.

How often is the list of therapists updated?

We try to update the overview regularly. However, it is always a good idea to check availability and details directly with the respective practice.

What kind of therapists are listed on the website?

We have both psychological psychotherapists and child and youth psychotherapists in our overview. You can search through the list to find therapists by required specialisation.