Michaela Huber

Stress expert

International Institut for Psychology | Stress-Experts, Burnout-Prophylaxis, Psychsotraumatology, Retreat, Healing
Michaela Huber in the SWR Nachtcafé (Photo: Baschi Bender)

Mrs Huber is:
Women Leaders in Healthcare

MH MIchaela Huber PPT Academy and Practice | Kassel, Hesse, Germany | Invention of modern stress and trauma therapy, invention of modern treatment methods, | Michaela Huber
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ISSTD Distinguished Achievement Award
Michaela Huber was honoured with the ISSTD Distinguished Achievement Award for her outstanding contributions in the field of trauma therapy.
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Bertha Pappenheim Prize
Michaela Huber received the Bertha Pappenheim Prize from the German Association for her dedicated work and publications on dissociative identity disorders in women.
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Federal Cross of Merit
Michaela Huber was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for her commitment to trauma therapy, the establishment of psychotrauma centres and networking in the field.
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ghp Healthcare & Pharma Awards
"Global Healthcare & Pharma Award 2023" for the best psychological education and training programme in Europe.
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ghp Mental Health Awards
At the ghp Mental Health Awards 2023, Michaela Huber was honoured as "Best Psychological Psychotherapist". This recognition reflects her outstanding work and commitment to psychotherapy.
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German Business Award 2023
Michaela Huber received the German Business Award along with other major German prizewinners for her outstanding performance despite the difficult economic situation.
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Michaela Huber

Stress expert

Michaela Huber is a psychological psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer, translator and author of numerous specialist books. Together with Prof. Reddemann and Dr Arne Hofmann Michaela Huber established modern trauma therapy in Germany. The three experts were supported by Onno van der Hart and Ellert Nijenhuis.

As an expert, she can be seen time and again in TV formats and advises politicians, organisations and associations. She was the first woman outside the USA and the first German to receive the internationally renowned "International Distinguished Achievement Award" for her research and specialist publications. She was awarded the Pappenheim Prize for her international commitment to improving the situation of women with dissociative identity disorder. Michaela Huber received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for her international commitment to severely traumatised people, for initiating the first women's shelters and establishing psychotrauma centres as well as for the international networking of colleagues who work with traumatised people.

Furthermore, Michaela Huber was awarded the "Mental Health Award 2023" for her therapeutic lifetime achievement, the "Global Healthcare & Pharma Award 2023" for the best psychological education and training programme in Europe and the "Women World Award 2023″ (USA) for "research in stress and trauma therapy and the development of modern treatment methods".

Ms Huber has already served as a psychotraumatologist in the Kosovo war and is now working for traumatised girls and women in the Ukraine war. After Germany, she and her team are setting up international institutes for research, teaching and therapy of stress disorders in Estonia, Portugal, Andalusia, Mallorca and Morocco. Other countries are already being planned.

MH Academy | The Stress Experts

Live events & seminars by and with Michaela Huber, Psychological Psychotherapist

Learn more about the seminars and webinars of MH Akademie Michaela Huber PPT around the topics of trauma, supervision, dissociation and many more.

MH Media Library

TV appearances and lectures

In the media library you can find TV appearances and lectures by and with psychotherapist Michaela Huber.

Expert talk

Discussions on current topics

In the MH Expert Talk, Michaela Huber discusses current topics from research, science and practice with her guests from a wide range of disciplines.

Upcoming events of the MH Academy

Live events & seminars with Michaela Huber, Psychological Psychotherapist

Learn more about the seminars and webinars of MH Akademie Michaela Huber PPT around the topics of trauma, supervision, dissociation and many more.

Year group

*** Also available as bundle | 10% save ***

In the year group, the "state of the art" of diagnostics and treatment for stress disorders is taught.


Case supervision under the direction of Michaela Huber
Supervision for professionals who have experience and training in treating people with stress disorders.

Special seminar

The sequential training on the topic: Stress sequelae disorders in people after leaving organised exploitation and destructive bonds.

Find a therapist

Overview of trauma therapists, counselling centres and trauma support centres


Walk & Talk in South Tyrol


With the expert on grief and trauma Ms Dorothea Rau-Lembke, Dipl. Psych.

Walk & Talk on Mallorca

Quality of life in turbulent times

Coaching and supervision on Mallorca with expert Kathrin Contzen

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MH Michaela Huber

MH Michaela Huber

Michaela Huber is a licensed psychological psychotherapist, supervisor and author https://linktr.ee/mhakademieundpraxisppt

19 hours ago
MH Michaela Huber

Finde Deinen Frieden – Entkomme der Hektik des Alltags 🌿

In unserer schnelllebigen Welt wird es immer schwieriger, sich eine Auszeit zu gönnen. Der konstante Druck und die täglichen Herausforderungen resultieren oftmals in Stressfolgeerkrankungen wie Burn-out oder PTBS.

Erlaube nicht, dass der tägliche Stress Dir Deine Freude nimmt oder dass Probleme im Berufsleben, der Familie oder gesellschaftliche sowie politische Herausforderungen Dich dominieren.

Wir vom Team der Praxis und Akademie stehen bereit, Dir zur Seite zu stehen. Gemeinsam finden wir Methoden, um den Stress zu minimieren und Deine Lebensqualität zu steigern.

Unser erfahrenes Team aus Therapeuten, Coaches und Krisenberatern bietet Dir:
Unterstützung beim Umgang mit Deinen Ängsten und Herausforderungen 🌟
Hilfe bei der Entdeckung und Nutzung Deiner inneren Stärken 💪
Vermittlung von Tools, die Du maßgeschneidert auf Dich variieren kannst, damit sie zu Deinen Bedürfnissen passen 📋
Eine harmonische Anleitung, damit Du Deinen Weg zu einem ausgeglichenen und erfüllten Leben finden kannst 😊

Entdecke unser spezielles Angebot für Dich:
Positive personality change: www.mh-akademie.com/veranstaltung/retreat-seminar-selbsterfahrung/
Impulse workshops: www.mh-akademie.com/impuls-workshops
Refugium – Selbsterfahrung in der Algarve: www.mh-akademie.com/refugium-selbsterfahrung-in-der-algarve
Krisengespräche – Walk & Talk Portugal: www.mh-akademie.com/walk-talk-portugal

Free initial consultation 📞:
Reserviere noch heute Dein kostenloses Erstgespräch mit uns. In diesem Gespräch werden wir gemeinsam Deine aktuelle Situation analysieren und die nächsten Schritte planen.
E-mail: info@mh-akademie.com
Website: www.mh-akademie.com

Deine Gesundheit ist unsere Priorität. Lass uns gemeinsam Deinen Weg zu mehr Lebensfreude einschlagen! 💖

#mhacademy #michaelahuber #psychotherapy #coaching #stress management #burnout #PTBS 1TP5Joy of life 1TP5Find chest #herapy 1TP5Search for help #ogether strong #Germany #europe #portugal #spain 1TP5Italy #ungary
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22 hours ago
MH Michaela Huber

Finde Deinen Frieden – Entfliehe der Hektik des Alltags 🌿

Die moderne Welt mit ihrer unaufhörlichen Hektik lässt vielen von uns kaum Zeit, zur Ruhe zu kommen. Der fehlende Abstand zu den täglichen Herausforderungen führt immer häufiger zu Stressfolgestörungen wie Burn-out oder PTBS.

Lass nicht zu, dass der Stress des Alltags deine Lebensfreude raubt oder die Probleme in Beruf, Familie und Gesellschaft dich beherrschen.

Wir, das Team der Praxis und Akademie, sind für Dich da, um Dir zu helfen. Gemeinsam finden wir Wege, um den Stress zu reduzieren und deine Lebensqualität zu verbessern.

Our experienced therapists, coaches and crisis counsellors offer:
Unterstützung im Umgang mit deinen Ängsten und Herausforderungen 🌟
Hilfe beim Entdecken und Nutzen deiner inneren Stärken 💪
Entwicklung eines individualisierten Therapieplans, der zu deinen Bedürfnissen passt 📋
Wohltuende Begleitung auf deinem Weg zu einem ausgeglichenen und erfüllten Leben 😊

Our special offer for you:
Positive personality change: www.mh-akademie.com/pl/wydarzenie/retreat-seminar-selbsterfahrung
Impulse workshops: www.mh-akademie.com/impuls-workshops
Refugium - self-awareness in the Algarve: www.mh-akademie.com/refugium-selbsterfahrung-in-der-algarve
Crisis Talks - Walk & Talk Portugal: www.mh-akademie.com/walk-talk-portugal

Free initial consultation 📞:
Vereinbare heute noch dein kostenloses Erstgespräch mit uns. Gemeinsam werden wir deinen aktuellen Stand analysieren und die besten nächsten Schritte planen.
E-mail: info@mh-akademie.com
Website: www.mh-akademie.com

Deine Gesundheit steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Gemeinsam finden wir deinen Weg zurück zur Lebensfreude! 💖

#mhacademy #michaelahuber #psychotherapy #coaching #stress management #burnout #PTBS 1TP5Joy of life 1TP5Find chest #herapy 1TP5Search for help #ogether strong #Germany #europe #portugal #spain 1TP5Italy #ungary
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🔍 Improve your therapeutic practice: a cautious approach to trauma experiences

Michaela Huber, renowned psychotherapist and author, warns in her book "Trauma and the Consequences" that discussing traumatic experiences too early and in detail can often destabilise the personality of those affected more than help them. She also emphasises the crucial role of attachments and relationships in the development of trauma disorders, in particular how emotional, physical and sexualised violence by primary attachment figures such as parents or foster parents can cause profound damage. This profound knowledge can revolutionise your treatment approaches and improve your understanding of yourself. 🚀 Get the book free of charge here: www.junfermann.de/titel/trauma-und-die-folgen/1398 📘

Deepen your understanding and expand your skills with our specialised training courses:
Explore new perspectives - impulse workshops: www.mh-akademie.com/impuls-workshops/ 💡
Make a long-term commitment - annual group programme: www.mh-akademie.com/jahresgruppe/ 🌟
Discover more opportunities for further training: www.mh-akademie.com 🔍

For personal advice and further information, please contact us at any time: info@mh-akademie.com 📩

Take the opportunity not only to treat symptoms, but also to understand and effectively tackle their underlying causes. 💪

#Trauma therapy #Bindings #Psychotherapy #MentalHealth #Training #Health care #ProfessionalDevelopment #EducationalOpportunities #PsychologyUnderstanding #TGo lower #mhacademy #michaelahuber #stress experts #stress sequence 1TP5Dream sequence #psychology
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2 days ago
MH Michaela Huber

We are here for you - A change of location opens up new spaces and perspectives 🤗

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by worries about your work, the future of your children, the development of your relationship, the demands of your parents-in-law, friends and colleagues? You are not alone. Many people in Germany carry this burden, and it's no wonder that mental stress is becoming increasingly common.

We, the team at the practice and academy, are here to help you. Together we can tackle your fears and significantly improve your quality of life. 🌱

Our experienced therapists, coaches and crisis counsellors offer:
Understanding and support in dealing with your fears 🌟
Helping you to discover and utilise your inner strengths 💪
Development of a therapy plan tailored to your needs 📋
Support on your path to a happier and more fulfilling life 😊

Our special offer for you:
Positive personality change: www.mh-akademie.com/pl/wydarzenie/retreat-seminar-selbsterfahrung
Impulse workshops: www.mh-akademie.com/impuls-workshops
Refugium - self-awareness in the Algarve: www.mh-akademie.com/refugium-selbsterfahrung-in-der-algarve
Crisis Talks - Walk & Talk Portugal: www.mh-akademie.com/walk-talk-portugal

Free initial consultation 📞:
Book your free initial consultation with us today. In this meeting, we will gain a better understanding of your situation and plan the next steps together. Simply contact us to request an appointment:
E-mail: info@mh-akademie.com
Website: www.mh-akademie.com

Your health is our priority. Together we are strong! 💪

#mhacademy #michaelahuber #psychotherapy #coaching #angst #depression 1TP5Binding disorder #psychic health 1TP5Livingwithanxiety 1TP5Shaping the future #herapy 1TP5Search for help #ogether strong 1TP5Division #selb experience #supervision #coaching # Consultation #walkandtalk #refuge #Germany #europe #portugal #spain 1TP5Italy
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2 days ago
MH Michaela Huber

🔍 Discover how you can effectively treat trauma by understanding its origins!

Michaela Huber, renowned psychotherapist and author, explains in her book "Trauma and the Consequences" that psychological symptoms often arise from specific life conditions and unresolved experiences. Understanding the role of attachments and relationships is crucial, especially if these have been affected by emotional, physical or sexualised violence. This profound knowledge can revolutionise your treatment approaches and improve your understanding of yourself. 🚀 Get the book free of charge here: www.junfermann.de/titel/trauma-und-die-folgen/1398 📘

Deepen your understanding and expand your skills with our specialised training courses:
Explore new perspectives - impulse workshops: www.mh-akademie.com/impuls-workshops/ 💡
Make a long-term commitment - annual group programme: www.mh-akademie.com/jahresgruppe/ 🌟
Discover more opportunities for further training: www.mh-akademie.com 🔍

For personal advice and further information, please contact us at any time: info@mh-akademie.com 📩

Take the opportunity not only to treat symptoms, but also to understand and effectively tackle their underlying causes. 💪

#Trauma therapy #Bindings #Psychotherapy #MentalHealth #Training #Health care #ProfessionalDevelopment #EducationalOpportunities #PsychologyUnderstanding #TGo lower #mhacademy #michaelahuber #stress experts #stress sequence 1TP5Dream sequence #psychology
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Books & Publications

Lectures and workshops

by and with psychotherapist Michaela Huber

Available on CD and DVD from Autitorium Netzwerk.